Use My Name

Last week I came across a couple verses in the Bible that hit me in a unique way. I'd read them so many times, but here they were again...this time gripping my heart with absolute clarity. Maybe someone out here in social media land needs to see them with fresh eyes, like I did.

John 16: 23-24 (Jesus is speaking to his disciples) "At that time you won't need to ask me for anything. I tell you the truth, you will ask the Father directly, and he will grant your request because you use my name. You haven't done this before. Ask, using my name, and you will receive, and you will have abundant joy."

In light of the way my life has moved in recent years, the phrase "use my name" popped straight off the page and gave me a new understanding of this phrase.

For instance: While I was attending the Inaugural Ball a few weeks ago I ran into my friend, Justin, who works for President Trump. He invited Billy & I to come over to the Trump Hotel after the ball for a private party and we were excited to accept the invitation. When we arrived, the security guards outside had no idea who we were and were reluctant to allow us access. All I had to do was use Justin's name and in we went. 

I feel like I've relegated the phrase "In Jesus' Name" to something akin to the closing of a letter, "Sincerely, Karen Vaughn." 

I'm praying differently now...with a deeper understanding of how Jesus wants me to utilize His powerful Name. A Name that grants access. A Name of favor. A Name that's so important my name no longer matters. As long as I'm "with him," any request I make is covered.

Hope that encourages someone today to see things more clearly. And I pray you all have a blessed and wonderful day!

Karen Vaughn